The Great Seal of the Intefrity Movement

Dr. Yilmagof Pudicatus from the Royal Society of Intefritous Academicians Syria has been researching in various libraries around the world for what was once rumored the origins of the Intefrity Society. After years of poring through thousands of documents, Dr. Pudicatus may have finally stumbled upon an important clue that could lead to the discovery of the long-lost archives of the Intefrity Society.

Below is an artist's rendition of the Great Seal of the Intefrity Movement discovered in one of the Alexandrian texts discovered by Dr. Pudicatus in the rare texts section of the Library of the Royal Society of London. This seal is dated 1735, but Dr. Pudicatus suspects the origin is much older -- perhaps at least 1,000 years older.

The section of the Royal Library is open only to 12 people in the world. One of them is Dr. Pudicatus. He found a charcoal rubbing of the great seal in one of the books he was researching in. This is indeed a great find for the Intefrity Movement as we now have almost certain confirmation of our ancient roots.